It’s time for YOU to DARE to Soar Higher!

SharRon’s ability to transform and motivate people to move beyond their
limiting beliefs and move into their next level in life is truly a gift. If you need a
spark from the RIGHT flame, you are in the right place! And while you are here, click here for her free training on friendship.

Welcome to The Jamison Group

We are a leadership training and personal development organization committed to helping you SOAR beyond your limitations, so that you can live the life of your dreams.

We specialize in personal transformation and we are extremely passionate about helping YOU navigate life’s transitions, both in your personal and professional life. From career moves, to divorce, to empty nests, addiction recovery and more, our dedicated team of experts are passionate about inspiring you to embrace change, imagine possibilities and to create a life filled with passion and purpose.

The perfect emotional and spiritual pick-me-up, Deciding to Soar offers advice, encouragement, and straight talk for even the busiest people. Author and life coach SharRon Jamison packs knowledge and honesty into tightly-compact thoughts that will stick with you, each added with further commentary, that will usher you towards a fruitful, uncompromised life that focuses on your happiness and growth, while also honoring God and the relationships that are important to you.

Articles & Audio

What Are You Building With?

No matter what you are building, you are always building something.   But here's the question: What are you using to build?   If you build your home with rotten,

It’s Time For YOU To Conduct A “Friend” Inventory!

If you have heard me speak this year, you have probably heard me say that “everything is created, cared for, and cultivated on “ships.” EVERYTHING!   Yes, our “ships” influence

It Is Time To MOVE!!

The only constant in life is change! Even when we don’t perceive changes, recognize changes, or desire changes, changes are happening all around us and in us. Change is inevitable. 

It’s time to DE-BOX!

Do you live in a box?   Do you follow outdated rules that don’t align with your heart? Do you participate in activities that you don’t enjoy just to make

Is It The Water Than You Swim In?

Over the last 3 months, I have done several interviews, wrote a few articles, and facilitated many workshops about 4 key factors that affect our lives and livelihoods.   The

You Don’t Have To Live A “Shouldy” Life!

Racism, Religion, and Rules   Ask anyone who has ever achieved any success and they will tell you that the 3 things that they had to confront and conquer were

Deep Down, You Already Know!

The world is shifting and all of the shifts are encouraging me to think about my life.   How about you? Do you find yourself thinking about a different life,

You May Get Weary In Well-Doing So Take A Break!

I am checking on you.     Please forgive my delay. It took a moment to collect my thoughts.  I had to pray and reflect on what I wanted to say

Women, It Is Up To Us!

Feminine power is one of the most amazing things to witness. Seeing women who are brilliant, beautiful, and brave and able to stand fully in their brilliance is a testament to

Your Story Matters, Especially Now!

Am I the only one who has ever failed? Of course not!  We all fail!   But.... Most people don't want to share their fiascos, failures or flops. Most don't

It’s Okay To Be Human!

There has been a lot of pain shaming going around. I get it. Fear affects us all, and it affects us differently. When we are scared, we do and say

You Are Courageous!

You are courageous!   Yes, you are!   But if you are facing major decisions in your life, you may not feel as courageous as you really are.   How do