It’s Women’s Month!


It’s time to celebrate women! And, we should celebrate and honor women! In most families, women are the backbones, the engines and the foundations of most families. And even though women work hard, sometimes twice as hard as men,  women are still not consistently celebrated for the many contributions they make to their families, communities and to the world.


Why is that? There are many reasons for the inequity. I will share more about why I believe women are not recognized and appreciated in future posts. 


Today, let’s talk about how women can support other women in their everyday lives because we all need MORE support. Being an island is exhausting and jeopardizes our health in a variety of ways.


So, what can we do? How can we develop authentic relationships with each other so that we feel supported, respected, challenged and loved?


I have a system called the Relationship GPS System that I know can help women have more meaningful conversations with each other. ( FYI, the system can also be used for men.) And, meaningful conversations are the foundation of meaningful connections.


What’s the Relationship GPS System(click here for video. You can also view from the bottom of the page.


It is a system that ensures that we are supporting in each other in ways that “feels” like support because all of us experience support differently.



I share a little about the Relationship GPS  system in the video below. I do a deeper dive of the framework in my coaching programs but I wanted to share a few nuggets that you can apply immediately to strengthen your bonds.




Women need each other more than ever before. In fact, the research shows that women are craving closeness and have a deep desire for belonging. Just think about it. We are electronically connected but we are not emotionally close which leaves us starving for true companionship. And, we all know what starvation does….being hungry makes us vulnerable to manipulation, die-ease and bad decision-making!



Until women are able to be who they really are and bring their full, perfectly-flawed selves to the table without judgment, we will miss out on the beauty, joy, and power of each other. We will stunt our own growth, impede our own success and prevent our own peace. 





This week use the GPS Relationship System with a few of your friends and co-workers. Write down all of the new facts you learn and identify ways that you can be more helpful, supportive and more engaging with your fellow sisters.




As you are considering your relationships this week, think about how the Relationship GPS System can improve your connections. If you are a leader, consider how asking those 4 questions can improve how you lead your teams. Consider how understanding a person’s history and dreams can help you be more compassionate and empathetic. Most of all, consider how using the Relationship GPS system can improve your relationship with YOURSELF!


If you live in the Atlanta area, bring your thoughts and insights about the Relationship GPS System to Paint Sip Socialize. Let’s put our heads together so that we can learn how we can SOAR higher as sisters. Click here to learn more and see additional information down below.


If you haven’t had time to purchase the “Get Unstuck” replay, you still have time. Click here.  And don’t forget, the replay comes with a free e-book, Can Depend On Me.  I know that the book will bless you.


Have a great week as you build and bolster new relationships.



Let’s Dare to Soar Higher!




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