Meet SharRon

My Personal Story

I understand the challenge of dealing with life’s trials and tribulations because I lived through many of them. My story is not about getting knocked down; it is a story about getting up again

  • As a child I was the only African American student in many childhood classrooms. I was bullied—not only by the other students, but by teachers as well. I UNDERSTAND what it feels like to be lonely, isolated and mistreated.
  • I have lived on my own since I was a teenager. I worked various fast food jobs to support myself and to finance my education. I UNDERSTAND what it is means to sacrifice, struggle and persevere to accomplish goals and realize dreams.
  • I helped raise step kids, foster kids and I raised my own son while climbing the corporate ladder. I UNDERSTAND how hard it can be to balance work, family and personal ambition.
  • I struggled for years with an eating disorder. I UNDERSTAND what it is like to try to fill emptiness and pain with “stuff”.
  • I have worked in corporate America for almost 30 years. I UNDERSTAND how hard it is to exist and excel in a corporate culture that is slow to embrace change and diversity.
  • I have always followed my own heart and my own moral compass. I UNDERSTAND what it means to “yes” to personal principles and beliefs even when society says “no”. I KNOW what it means to live without apology and without permission.

None of it was fun or easy; some of my decisions cost me greatly. But every part of the journey has brought me precisely to where I am today – a woman committed to living my truth and helping others live theirs too.

I have coached amazing people for more than 25 years and I know 3 important things for sure. I KNOW you want to feel successful (in whatever way YOU define it). I KNOW you want to be loved — genuinely, for who you truly are. And, I know, too, that you want to make a difference. You want to live a higher purpose.

And what I also know for sure is that the better you understand, heal and learn from your deep hurts, hidden scars and invisible wounds, the more effectively you can create a life that supports and satisfies you.

That is why I am on this mission. I am inspired to share my path, and I am committed to supporting others as they navigate their own meandering course through this journey called life….

I am committed to helping you Dare to Soar Higher so you can live the life that you were destined to live because I believe a place of greatness awaits when we discover who we are and recognize the power of our potential.
I am here to serve and support you, and you can start today. I would love to hear from you.

May your life bring you all of the happiness, joy and the passion that you desire!
Blessings to you always,


 Professional Bio & Publications

SharRon holds a BA from Hampton University and a MBA from Nova Southeastern University; and is currently pursuing her Masters of Divinity degree at the Interdenominational Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

She works for a Fortune 500 company and she currently serves as a minister at the Victory for the World Church in Stone Mountain, Ga.

Get a free chapter for SharRon’s award-winning book, ” I Have Learned A Few Things”. Click here: