Archives for Soar Higher Vlog (Videos)

Healing YOUR “Momma Stories” So You Can Lead, Live and LOVE! Our relationships with our mothers affect how we lead, love and live. They also affect how we engage and embrace other women. When you are able to see your ...
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It’s Time To Shift

Making changes in our lives is not always easy. Why do some people stay in unsatisfying, unfulfilling, and unsupportive situations instead of moving forward? Take a moment to listen and ...
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Don’t Let JAM make your relationships messy.

Jealousy, anger, and minimization - the 3 that erode trust and connection. Don’t let what’s going on in the inside affect what happens on the outside ...
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What if momma was wrong ?

As Women’s Month comes to a close, I want us to challenge what we have been taught about women. Granted, we were taught some positive and encouraging lessons about the ...
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Don’t Get Derailed! Soar Higher!

There are 5 ways that people affect your progress and success. Any of these ways derailing you? ...
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3 ways to be a great sister-friend

What can you do to be a better friend to another woman? ...
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