Relationship Intensive Retreats

Soar Higher Couples

In our fast-paced culture, building healthy, satisfying relationships is not always easy. Developing trust, intimacy and working as a team require skills that most people are never taught or don’t have an opportunity to consistently practice. Our programs are designed to help couples connect in deeper ways so that they extend and receive the love that they most desire.

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Retreats and Intensives

  • If you and your partner spend too much time criticizing and complaining about each other, and you’d rather find a way to revel in and enjoy each other…
  • If you feel like every conflict with your partners turns into a battle, and you’re longing for a way to honestly and respectfully talk about and resolve your differences…
  • If you feel stuck in gender norms or societal roles and you crave the freedom that could be possible if you and your partner could just find your own rhythms and develop a partnership based on your individual strengths, preferences and personalities…
  • If you’ve never actually had a model for the type of healthy, happy relationship you want, but you know in your heart that you CAN have it, and you just need the right tools and guidance to get there…
  • If you would love to develop healthy emotional boundaries without building emotional walls

…Then a Couples’ Relationship Retreat or Intensive will be just the solution to help you and your spouse or partner fall back in love with yourselves and each other. You will learn how to experience greater degrees of trust, intimacy and understanding than ever before, and leave with a renewed commitment to your relationship.

My comprehensive and interactive programs identify and address the challenges and roadblocks that prevent you from engaging in healthy relationships with others.

These programs were developed to help you:

  • Understand the unique relationship template you live by, which influences how you feel about yourself and influences how you relate to others
  • Develop interpersonal & relationship-building skills that affirm, celebrate and motivate others to be their best and authentic selves
  • Strengthen conflict management skills so that you can disagree, but not disconnect
  • Discover how to build relational bridges and strengthen connections, even in challenging situations
  • Implement tools and strategies to create relationship paradigms that support you and your partner
  • Strengthen/Develop communication skills that foster intimacy, empathy, respect and understanding


Ready to get started, have a few questions or want to find out more about working with me?

Sound like the right program for you? Are you ready to get started, have a few questions or want to find out more about working with me?

Just click here to schedule your FREE 15-Minute “Dare to Soar Higher” Discovery Session with me today!