Are you overwhelmed, overextended, overscheduled, and “over” everything?


If you are like most people, your calendar is stuffed with commitments, lists, and appointments.  You have meetings here and dinner plans over there. There is never a free or dull moment, right?


I don’t know about you but sometimes it feels as if people have elevated being busy to a status symbol. If you are really busy, so busy that you are don’t have time to really live, you are deemed important. But if you value leisure or self-care, you are judged as being slothful or self-indulgent.


I am not sure how busyness became so valued, but somehow rushing and racing from place to place became celebrated.  In fact, if you are not squeezing something into every minute of the day, people are quick to label you as lazy, boring and not ambitious.  Yes, people judge. How did we get here?


 There are many reasons why our culture has assigned such a high value to being busy. There are tons of research and data that explain why society has evolved, if evolved is really the right word, to this busyness mindset.


But here is the BIG question: are you happy?


I have learned that happiness and fulfillment come from doing what really matters most. Both come from living our purpose in a way that gives our lives meaning. And both are a result of a healthy balance of work and rest.


So today, look at your calendar and ask yourself these questions:

  • Does your schedule provide evidence of what’s important to you?
  • Do your obligations align with your purpose and your dreams?
  • Do your activities move your closer to your goals and dreams?
  • Does your bank statement confirm your priorities?
  • Does your schedule include what’s essential or is it mired in the trivial?
  • Do your commitments and countless obligations align with your purpose?
  • Do you allocate time for rest and restoration?
  • Do you allocate time to do nothing?

If your life does not reflect what’s important to you and does not allow time for rest and restoration, what changes can you make?


Remember, you don’t earn badges, rewards or promotions for being busy. The only thing you experience from being excessively busy is mental, emotional and physical burnout.


If you are interested in restructuring your life and re-evaluating your relationships, please join me on August 30th for the “4 Levels of Relationships” Class.  You can join me from the comfort of your own home.  Let’s face it. Maybe you are busy because you are spending time with the wrong people? Click here to register.

Why not slow down and spend time with powerful people who can help you prioritize your life so that you are less busy but more productive, happier, healthier and more fulfilled in your life?


Let’s dare to soar higher as we slow down and live life more fully.


Celebrating you and your success,


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