The world is shifting and all of the shifts are encouraging me to think about my life.


How about you? Do you find yourself thinking about a different life, a better life for you, and your loved ones?


I mean… when you are all alone and just reflecting on the changes in the world, do you sometimes wish for …


More meaning, less noise.

More integrity, less people-pleasing.

More purpose, less procrastination.

More wisdom, less mindless chatter.

More justice, less greed.

More truth, less posturing.

More doing, less promising.

Do you wish for more?


My friend, the life that you want is possible, it’s doable and it’s “have-able”.  And that’s why you may be a bit restless.




The part of you that was taught to follow rules and go with the flow is now being challenged because the real you has been awakened and activated.


Now, your truth beckons you. That part of you that you suppressed to fit into society, fit into a job, and fit into culture is NOW demanding to be seen, heard, and known.


Deep down, you know already know that.  I am not saying something that you don’t already feel deep down in your soul.


But when you think about making changes in the direction of your dreams, you keep stalling. You stop trusting yourself. Or, you feel guilty for making decisions that honor your own heart. Am I right?


So, how do you move forward?  How do you change and transform your life so that it aligns with who you are NOW or who you are becoming?


The time to make a change is when …


Staying the same becomes increasingly unbearable.


When you know that your big dreams can’t stay in small relationships, or be confined to small perspectives or be developed in small settings.


When you feel fed up and trapped by the status quo, societal expectations, or cultural conditioning.


When you are tired of settling for what you like instead of doing what you love.


How do I know?


Because I am in THAT same place; I am right with you.  I am making changes and I am scared too, but I refuse to let fear dictate my life. I refuse to miss out on opportunities to experience more joy, more peace, and more wealth.


How about you? If you are reading this message, I know your heart wants more, your soul wants more and your mind wants more!


My friend, if you are ready to change your life and you are looking for direction, please join me for The Pursue Your Path Series: How women who are great at doing what they’re supposed to do … start doing what they’re MEANT to do. (click here to register)


I will be one of the speakers and I will be sharing about the importance of picking the right friendships as you pursue your purpose. As many of you already know, my motto is “Let Your Purpose Pick Your People ™” and I will be sharing why it’s so important to pick the right types of friends as you embark on your new life.


There will also be other speakers who have diverse backgrounds and perspectives that will be sharing valuable information too.  Trust me. Participating will help you up-level your life.


The best news:  It’s totally free and it’s online. Register here.


The show starts Monday, July 6 and you can claim your free ticket to attend by clicking here.


I hope you join me because it is time, YOUR time, to pursue your purpose so you can SOAR HIGHER in your life.


Don’t forget to register.


See you next week.


Blessings to you!


Let’s Dare To Soar Higher Together!



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