Private VIP

Private VIP Intensives (All About You)

  • Imagine how it would feel to wake up every morning knowing that you are free to live and love in a way that honors you and your truth…
  • Imagine looking at your daily calendar knowing that the agenda you have lined up is one that you feel enthusiastic, excited and confident about stepping into…
  • Imagine finding yourself in that same old situation but having a newfound sense of choice and empowerment…
  • Imagine the sense of pride you would experience from making a new, healthier decision that supported who you were and honored your spirit…
  • Imagine how it would feel to be safe, secure and satisfied in your own skin…
  • Imagine making a living doing something that you love, enjoy and feel passionate about ……

I promise, you can have all that. And more.

Regardless of your current situation.

If you are a dig-in-and-get-it-done type of person, who is ready to make some BIG change in your life—and fast, then a VIP Intensive might be for you.

In your Personalized VIP Intensive Program, we’ll work together in person or by Skype to:

  • Identify Your Limiting Beliefs and Behaviors that Sabotage Your Life
  • Identify Critical Relationships that Help You or Harm You
  • Establish Goals that Align with Your Personal Mission
  • Develop a Plan to Help You Work Toward and Manifest Your Personal and Career Goals
  • Develop a System for Self-Care and Continued Self-Development

After one day of working together, I cannot promise that all of your problems will be solved; life is too intricate for simple, easy solutions. However, I CAN promise that you will feel freer to move forward in your life, with new-found clarity on WHERE you want to go and EXACTLY how you are going to get there. And, I can promise that you will have my support every step of the way.

Ready to get started, have a few questions or want to find out more about working with me?

Sound like the right program for you? Are you ready to get started, have a few questions or want to find out more about working with me?

Just click here to schedule your FREE 15-Minute “Dare to Soar Higher” Discovery Session with me today!