Rejection has a way of making you feel as if you will NEVER be successful.


But just for the record…. You were born ready!!! You came to the world FULLY LOADED!!! Everything you needed to contribute to the world was encoded in your DNA!

But when you start begging for love, hustling for business, stepping on necks for promotion and sabotaging others to be successful, you diminish, downgrade and dilute who you are! You divorce yourself from your destiny and you divorce ”self” from the divine mandates of self-love, self-acceptance, self-care, and self-confidence!



When you realize that you have and hold the power, wisdom, talent and the ingenuity you need to BUILD the life you desire, you will NOT beg others for the very things you can build for yourself!!! You will seek opportunities but you won’t compromise your integrity.


Yes, you need others to build. But never let the need for folks make you act like a fool. You are a builder!! God gave you tools. Use them and start building what you want and need! ( excerpt from Deciding To Soar 3)


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