Lessons from a 50+ woman 

Most of my life I was told that I could NOT to something. I was too old, too fat, too ugly, too inexperienced or too something else. I was told that I WAS not enough or didn’t HAVE enough.

When I started as an instructor in mid-1990s, the odds were stacked against me. According to the experts, I would not make it. But in 13 months, I not only won awards but I was in the paper doing what I knew to do. I didn’t look for conventional places to teach. I want to churches, hair salons, cancer support groups and community centers. I committed myself to be the best and to do my best. I infused church music, personal motivation, inspirational tips, a bit of a sermon with some aerobic moves. I didn’t try to mimic anybody. I was me. I yelled, danced, prayed, preached and packed the classes.

After a few years, people started noticing my talent and my success grew. Thanks to the additional visibility, I not only taught, but I built a very successful personal training business, Fitness F’ness. I became an aerobic director of 2 gyms, a trainer to other instructors and was a highly sought-after guest instructor at other gyms. I was hired by corporations and traveled the Caribbean teaching health and fitness.

I was committed to my call. So, I worked a full-time job, accepted several promotions in corporate America while being a single mom. At the same time, I built my business, started my coaching business (didn’t call it coaching back then) and supported underserved communities. My son traveled with me and I decided how to parent him so that it worked for us.

I took a lot of flack. People wanted to condemn me for teaching. The self-appointed experts hated my music even though nobody was serving our communities. People said that the way I taught was “too black”. I heard it all. It hurt my feelings but it DID not hurt my resolve. I was going to do it my way to serve people who “got me”.

What am I saying??? You are talented! You know your gifts. Look for places that need you and serve there. You don’t have to do something like anybody else.Just be you and create a life that works for YOU and your loved ones.

I am older now and I now have some health issues so over the years I had to re-invent myself. But I know that what God gave me and what God gave you is only for you and me. You and me, WE,  have the goods, gifts and the guts to SOAR!

I am not the same size in body but my heart is bigger. But I know that health and happiness require a holistic approach to life and I plan to offer that to the world.I plan to package a message that challenges the mind, strengthens the body and soothes the soul.

Be Encouraged! SOAR being you!! You are amazing and the best is yet to come!

Let’s Dare To Soar Higher!


If I can support you as you SOAR Higher in your personal and professional life, please contact me at info@SharRonJamison.com.

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